Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama Mama

OK, I can't stand it anymore. The thought of a McCain-Palin win in November would be devastating. Devastating to us as a nation and us as a family. Yep, I am going to dive into politics. Why? Because of the same reason you clicked on this blog in the first place. AVA. That's right, Ava and her/our future.
Come on folks take a good look at what has been happening these last eight years and ask yourself...what shape is our country in? How are we really doing as a nation? Our fellow are they fairing? The economy, the war, the national spot light...where do we all stand? I would have to say we are not doing very well. We have the highest unemployment rates in years. 2008 has been the deadliest year in the war so far...but the "surge" is working? McCain-Palin will be more of the same politics that we have endured for 8 long, long years. As a woman Palin's nomination does nothing for me and my pride in what women can do and have accomplished over the years. Why? Because she is not the kind of woman I aspire to be or want Ava to become. To shoot polar bears with AK47s out of helicopters is not breaking the ole glass ceiling. Come on, Ava is in the stage of hugging and kissing all her "animal" stuffed friends. To one day take out an automatic weapon and blow them away??? I don't think so. I hope to raise her with peace and love in her heart. And showing kindness for animals and other human beings. I don't think Sara Palin has one kind bone in her body. And McCain all his bones are too frail to be kind.
I look at my daughter and wish for her a future free of hatred, racism and discrimination. An Obama win will be one step closer to that dream. To have her and our nation embrace a man of color, who is articulate and brilliant would make for a great next 4-8 years. We all talk of idols. People we have admired along the way for guidance, self-esteem, recognition and self assurance. I feel that Barack would offer that to Ava compared to a frail, old white man and an abrasive, harsh woman. I want my daughter to look at the T.V screen and identify with someone who she can trust, someone who has compassion, who is educated, someone for peace not war, someone for everyone else when no one else is, someone with family values, someone who will let her choose her own way when deciding to start or not start a family, someone who will not let us be tethered to the middle east for the privilege of driving our cars, someone who has some tact and can actually speak intelligently to foreign officials, someone with the name Barack Obama.
Folks the time has come to look past the color of one mans skin and really educate ourselves and listen to what each party REALLY has to say and put the whole nation, not just ourselves, first.
There is a lot of spin going on right now. If we would get back to business and really talk about the issues, Obama really has our county's best interest at heart. He will lower taxes for over 80% of the country, provide affordable health care to those who want it, will look to end our dependency on foreign oil and look at all options for a clean, energy independent future. He will provide full-tuition scholarships to those who want to become civil servants to the county everyone loves so much but doesn't participate in anymore. Tax credits to families that send kids to college and build bridges and better our roads. The list is endless to all the positive things that would come out of his election.
McCain on the other hand will lower taxes for only the top echelon of our county. Aren't we all a little sick of the really, really wealthy getting all the breaks? Where has the middle class gone? Why are we paying for all the mistakes of huge corporations who send jobs overseas? Our tax dollars keep going for the trillion dollar debt that the Iraq war has mounted. Do we really want to keep funding a war that really had no bearing on 9-11? What did Iraq have to do with 9-11? Wasn't it the Taliban, who now reside in Afghanistan?
Read up, get educated and feel good about voting for Barack Obama. Our country needs your support for this once in a lifetime candidate.

1 comment:

Monroes said...

Hey Obama Mama,

Ava is the cutest little Obama supporter ever!!! Great points sistah. Where is this country going. Hopefully not to some old white haired wrinkly dude, who is the original flip plopper, and his PTA Ak47 wielding VP, who as we speak is cramming for those hard National Security questions.Lol

Go Ava & Obama. Hey I like that....
You go Obama Mama & Ava !!
Love & miss you all,