Friday, October 10, 2008

Bye, bye crumbs

Hello, Hello!

Something very good happened today, I vacuumed...hum is that really a good thing? Well, it is for this reason. My advice to new adoptive parents has been to be patient and things that your new one might do or not do in the first few days or weeks might not be permanent. Like when Ava came home and would not lie down to get her diaper changed. She would scream when we would lay her on her back so we just stood her up and changed it that way. It must have been a few weeks later and I tried to lay her down again. This time she didn't cry she just laid there like a good girl and let me do the deed. Moral of the story...time changes things. Ava has been home what 129 days now, but who is counting :-) and I finally got to vacuum with her around. Again, early on I tried to vacuum with her around and all she did was try to eat and pull on the cord. That not being such a good idea we haven't vacuumed with Ava in the same room. Usually Adam or I play with her while the other one vacuums. Last weekend we had company coming and we needed to vacuum so we let Ava be in the same room. Oh boy, she was a big helper this time. She held the cord for Daddy, and helped move around the wand etc. What a big girl Ava is becoming. She learning so much and changing in so many ways. We count our lucky stars everyday!


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