Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Non-Violent Revolution

We did it. America pulled together and voted for change. Americans peacefully stood up for themselves, their neighbors and the whole world last night and voted Barack H. Obama the next president of the Untied States of America!!! Yeah! It has been a long time since I have felt proud of this country, proud of its people. We have so blindly been following president Bush and all his atrocities these past eight years, not saying much, not protesting the war, not concerned about our fellow neighbors, the economy or the world. But yesterday that all changed. We have become so disillusioned, so disenfranchised, so disconnected to anything that matters. We needed change, and we got it! Millions of people quietly spoke by the checking of a single box. Way to go America!!
We are ready for change and we are ready to be a part of it. We can't expect our government or Barack to do it all. It takes a village, it takes a county and all its citizens. So in the next four years get involved. Pay attention and speak out to your legislators, they are listening!

We were three of fifty thousand people who saw Barack speak at CSU. It was amazing and very powerful. These are important times in America. Never forget.


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