Thursday, March 20, 2008

On and On and On

Gee whiz will the wait ever end? Hear we thought the referral wait was hard. Yikes! the wait to hold and see Ava is even worse. I have read other adoptive family blogs; people we have met in trainings or at AAC events who were once waiting and now have formed their forever families. They all look so happy and the kids are always smiling having a good time. I can't wait to be with Ava. The wait is agonizing...when will it end???

This weekend is Easter. Reading through all the papers seeing articles on dying eggs, reading about the upcoming egg hunts makes my heart ache, yearning all the more for that laughing, smiling cutie pie who can't wait to see what the Easter Bunny has brought her. I wonder when I wake up on Sunday what the Easter Bunny will bring me? Ava perhaps :-)
Have a blessed Easter
Love to you all


Anonymous said...

Hang in there! This really IS the hardest part!! Ava will be home in no time, and all of this will be water under the bridge. I know that means nothing to you now, but you will just have to trust me on that. Praying Ava is home VERY SOON!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I got to your blog from the comment you left on the AAC Women's trip blog! We are currently #7 on the AAC girl's list and we hope to get our referral really soon! How exciting that you received your precious Ava's referral while you were so high on the list still--amazing!!! Can't wait to see pictures of her in your arms!!